Hello All,
This years AGM will be held at the Village Hall on Friday 13th July at 8 pm. The minutes from last year are attached.
All members of the Main and Artistic Committees stand for re-election at each AGM.
Please will anyone wishing to stand for any office on the Main Committee or those wishing to be on the Artistic Committee submit their names to me by the 7th July at the latest. This includes all those who are already on a committee and wish to stand again. An email will be sent to all members on the 9th July advising of those wishing to stand for a committee post.
If you are interested in standing for a position on the Artistic Committee, please see the brief overview of what being on this committee entails at the end of this email. This was kindly put together by Anton last year.
If you would like more information about any of the roles on either committee, please do not hesitate to contact me.
For those of you who are unable to attend the AGM, you may vote by proxy. Your proxy vote can either be given to me or to someone else of your choice who will be attending the meeting and should specify the persons name and the committee they are standing for.
We hope to see as many of you as possible on the 13th July
Kind Regards
Zoe Woodward PP Secretary
The artistic committee has three main functions and committee members contribute to all of them 1. To agree with directors and recommend to the main committee a balanced programme of shows for the following calendar year. 2. To broaden the groups knowledge plays and shows and to take sounding as to peoples preferences. This is mainly achieved through the Annual taster evening 3. To broaden the theatrical skills of the group via regular club nights including specialist workshops, play readings etc. The committee has no formal structure, meets about every three months and before and after the taster evening (usually in May) prior to recommending a programme to the committee.