Dear Members.
A request reminder: The next Pirton Players' production will take place at the end of October and so I am putting out another, more urgent, request for volunteers for that week. I am looking for three staff for each evening, with the exception of the Dress Rehearsal, when I think we will get away with two people.. At the moment, we have only three members in total, including a member of the cast (!), who have offered their services, never mind three volunteers per night! Please do get back to me if you can help, even just one evening. You don't need 'bar experience', just how to pour a drink! And take money!
One-Act Plays' Bar Rota October 26th-29th 2022 Plus Dress Rehearsal (24th)
Monday, 24th | Wednesday, 26th | Thursday, 27th | Friday, 28th | Saturday, 29th |
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Thank you all.