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Summer Fair and Summer B-B-Q 9th and 10th July

I have booked a stall for this year's Summer Fair on Saturday 9th July. The Fair runs from about 12.30ish to 5ish and we would like a rota of people to help set it up in the morning and to run it.

The main requirement is not to be shy! It's a chance to sell PP to people visiting Pirton for the day or people in the village who may not know about the group.

Last year Wendy was very eye catching in white coat, white wellies and a blue hat publicising 'Ladies Day'! Dave Tinney was even more eye catching when he wore the same outfit!

Let me know if you can help and what time and I'll set up the rota.

The following day, Sunday 10th July we will hold a bbq in our garden from 2pm. Everyone welcome . It will be a 'bring and share' meal.

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