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Words and Music to celebrate the life of Valmai Guess Sunday 16th February 3 00 pm Pirton Methodist Chapel

Dear PP members,

Many of you will remember the lovely Valmai, who was a member of our group for so many years. She loved being involved and especially singing in the musical productions. There will be an opportunity to celebrate her life in words and music on Sunday 16th February at 3 00 pm. The venue is PIrton Methodist Chapel.

It would seem fitting to have a PP chorus as part of this event and what better than the beloved Black HIlls, of Dakota from Calamity Jane! Please let me know by Saturday January 25th if you would like to sing, so we know how many copies of the music are needed. This is open to all PP members of course,, whether or not you have sung the chorus before!

Please note - there will be a rehearsal for half an hour at the chapel on Wednesday 12th February at 7 00 pm. Hopefully this will not clash with the PP play rehearsal.

I look forward to hearing from you!


07801 673420

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